by Live Healthy | Jun 22, 2018 | Healthy Hints, Marathon, Training Tips
By Manchester Marathon Queen – Annette Magill Since my sister moved to England, I’d been toying with the idea of running in the London Marathon. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful in the ballot, but had been told the marathon in Manchester was a popular...
by Live Healthy | Sep 28, 2017 | Healthy Hints, Marathon
Megan Willson Ultra Runner ……… I quite like the sound of that! I never would have thought that back in October 2012 when I ran my first 10km event in Melbourne that today I would be able to say I have ran over 50kms. It seemed like a natural progression to have a...
by Annette | Dec 5, 2014 | Marathon, Uncategorized
I started running five or six years ago, beginning with 5km then building up to 10km, 14km then finally ½ marathon (21km). I was happy with that distance and had no desire to attempt a full marathon (42km). However, there was an Alpine distance event I wanted to do...
by Meagan | Nov 18, 2014 | Marathon, Training Tips
My Marathon Experience As it always does with these events, it started with an early morning wake up call and a cold walk to the start line. It was the third time I had participated in the Melbourne Marathon – 1st time the 10km, last year the 21km so it seemed...